
I like to travel in the shadows
the misty veil that surrounds me
is my only protection

I see the sun
It pains me to think of the light
For within the light
My sins are known

Pensively I look towards the trees
Shaded by dense thickets
Darkness entwined with branches
Here I am safe

The dampness of the forest
bathes my soul
My very being
The darkness is my only haven

I walk in darkness
walk in pain
Pain is the eternal hardship
the hardship which I endure
I must, for mankind
and my kindred spirit

Pain is the essence from which I am made
To go forward in the light now
would mean certain death

Need I not kid myself
wretched soul that i am
I hasten towards my destiny

they who keep us apart
do so in vain
for those with a kindred spirit
are together as one

Try to break us apart
And the chain will strengthen
The links will bind us

I see my spirit through the shadows
We know without seeing
We huddle together
Within the misty shadows

Autor: Lynda Valkyrie

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